Army continued to administer it to soldiers, however, until 2011, when the army ceased prescribing lariam even for soldiers deployed in malaria-prone regions such as afghanistan.

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Lariam (mefloquine) .like all medicines.may cause side effects in some patients. The most frequently reported side effects with Lariam (mefloquine) when used for prevention of malaria include nausea.vomiting.diarrhea.dizziness.loss of balance.difficulty sleeping.and bad dreams. These side effects are usually mild and purchase lariam not cause people to stop taking the medicine. a small number of has been reported that dizziness and loss of balance may continue for months after stopping Lariam (mefloquine) .

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People who have lived for many years in areas with malaria may have some immunity to malaria (they do not get it as easily) and may not take malaria prevention medicine. This does not mean that you don’t need to take malaria prevention medicine.

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Lariam is indicated for the prophylaxis of P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria infections.including prophylaxis of chloroquine-resistant strains of P. falciparum .

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