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Eating different kinds of seeds – sunflower.pumpkin.nuts is also popular and commemorates Esther eating only seeds buy himalaya purim she lived in the King’s palace.

Today Purim is a happy festival with an almost carnival atmosphere. It is a time to remember that “God worketh all things together for good” for those who are called according to His purposes. It is also a time of special parties and plays put on by children at the synagogue (if you haven’t seen a little girl dressed up as Queen Esther and a little boy fumfer his lines as King Ahasuerus.you are missing out on a real treat!).

“It would never have occurred to us. said one Jewish immigrant to the United States.”that the Gentile world [in Eastern Europe] was happier. On the contrary.we considered our world happier and finer.”

Blessed art Thou.LORD our God.Master of the universe.who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the reading of the Megillah. Amen.

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Esther fasted for three days to prepare herself.as did all the Jews in her town.and then went to see the King.

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