A boswellia serrata also called shallaki in sanskrit is a type on insence.

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Triphala.formulated by Ayurvedic physicians thousands of years ago and it used by literally billions of people since.is considered the most efficient and safest laxative and colon tonic by most health care practitioners. Where other colon formulas are exhaust.Triphala is mild.non-habit forming.and a rejuvenative. It improves the absorption of food in intestines particularly in the duodenum where most chemical digestion takes place. Triphala also helps to stimulate different gastric enzymes that help to convert complex food into more easily digestible form. More over Triphala encourage the peristaltic action of the intestinal lining (due to its anthroquinones and other bitters) that also aids in proper movement of food at diverse levels of the digestive tract. it is also helpful in making the stool loose there by facilitation the easy evacuation of the bowel.Botanical Name . Boswellia serrata .

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