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Description about Azulfidine.

Complete blood counts.including differential white cell count and liver buy azulfidine uses tests.should be performed before starting AZULFIDINE and every second week during the first three months of therapy. During the second three months.the same tests should be done once monthly and thereafter once every three months.and as clinically indicated. Urinalysis and an assessment of renal function should also be done periodically during treatment with AZULFIDINE.

Take after meals. To gain the most not miss doses. Keep taking Azulfidine (sulfasalazine tablets) as you have been told by your doctor or other health care provider.even if you feel well. Drink lots of noncaffeine liquids unless told to drink less liquid by your doctor.

Tell your doctor if any of the following side effects become severe or don’t go away.

a) in the treatment of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis.and as adjunctive therapy in severe ulcerative colitis. and b) for the prolongation of the remission period between acute attacks of ulcerative colitis.

In addition.delayed-release tablets of sulfasalazine are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Sulfasalazine helps to reduce joint pain.swelling.and stiffness. Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with sulfasalazine helps to reduce/prevent further joint damage so you can do more of your normal daily activities. This medication is used with other physical therapy in patients who have not responded to other medications (salicylates.nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-NSAIDs).

Severe hypersensitivity reactions may include internal organ involvement.such as hepatitis.nephritis.myocarditis.mononucleosis-like syndrome (i.e..pseudomononucleosis).hematological abnormalities (including hematophagic histiocytosis).and/or pneumonitis including eosinophilic infiltration.

A case of agranulocytosis has been reported in an infant whose mother was taking both sulfasalazine and prednisone throughout pregnancy.

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