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Your doctor will probably order frequent tests to check your body’s response to this medicine. Keep all appointments with your healthcare provider and laboratory.

Excessive dosage of Rocaltrol induces hypercalcemia and in some instances hypercalciuria. therefore.early in treatment during dosage adjustment.serum calcium should be determined twice weekly. In dialysis patients.a fall in serum alkaline phosphatase levels usually antedates the appearance of hypercalcemia and may be an indication of impending hypercalcemia. An abrupt increase in calcium intake as a result of changes in diet (e.g..increased consumption of dairy products) or uncontrolled intake of calcium preparations may trigger hypercalcemia.

Malabsorption is occasionally noted in patients with hypoparathyroidism. hence.larger doses of Rocaltrol (calcitriol) may be needed.

Do not take this medicine with any of the following medications. -vitamin D This medicine may also interact with the following medications. -calcium supplements -cholestyramine -corticosteroids -digoxin -ketoconazole -magnesium supplements -phenobarbital -phenytoin -phosphate-binding agents -some antacids -thiazide diuretics.

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